People - Planet - Profit
Business with our head and heart
Triple Bottom Line is good business.
The Triple Bottom Line is an accounting model that was developed by the researcher John Elkington in the 1990s. It shows the correlation between finances (Profit), the environment (Planet) and social value creation (People). The idea behind the concept is that what a business does must result in benefits for the business, consumers, and the environment. By promoting social and environmental results in the same way as financial results, to the business will achieve long-term success.
Like Elkington, we believe that businesses today focus too much on short-term financial gain and that this approach will not be viable in the long term. Strategic plans should not be based exclusively on profit but should include: the environment (Planet) and social value creation (People) too.
It's good business to think about the triple bottom line. That’s what we believe at Amesto. We prefer to call it Corporate Social Value since we see the value in the job we do and what we bring, both to our company and to the community in which we operate.
Our values create pride and meaning around the work we do and the company we build. Our social projects are closely linked to the core business. Being value creators with our head and heart is deeply rooted through our owners, managers and more than 1000 employees. It's part of our DNA.

It's all about the People, the Planet and Profit


UN Sustainability Goals

Amesto is an Eco-Lighthouse

Honestly. It’s all about making good choices.
It makes a difference who you work with and who you work for. It makes a difference which supplier you choose or the kind of leader you determine to be. It makes a difference that you make tiny, but good choices for the planet, every day. You don’t have to be perfect. The fact that you care matters.