Amesto promises to always remain compliant with any and all applicable legislation, as well as industry specific standards and requirements. Additionally we strive to dynamically evolve our services to meet modern standards and customer requests relating to the compliance of our legal obligations.
For information regarding industry specific compliance, or other details not covered here, please contact the specific business unit.
Data processor agreement.
Amesto AccountHouse
File with versions |
Date |
Comments |
26.11.2024 |
Updated Appendix B. New system/sub processor Visma Business NXT |
04.10.2024 |
Updated Appendix B. |
22.03.2024 |
Updated Appendix B. New system/sub processor SD Worx Updated Appendix D. New clause D.15., related to SD Worx |
DPA version 1.1 |
30. June 2023 |
Updated Appendix B. Initial specification of transfers to third countries (double star), which applies to Microsoft-products. Rich Smart Integration has updated transfers to approved third countries. New system/sub processor Zenegy. |
DPA version 1.0 |
Standard terms of delivery / standard leveransevilkår.
Amesto AccountHouse
Norsk |
Engelsk |
Gjeldende Standard leveransevilkår for regnskapsføringsoppdrag fastsatt av Regnskap Norge. Standard levereansevilkår regulerer blant annet forhold vedrørende:
Partene kan fravike bestemmelser i Standard leveransevilkår for regnskapsføringsoppdrag ved særskilt regulering i Oppdragsavtalen. Regnskapsbyrået plikter i alle tilfeller å utføre oppdraget i henhold til de til enhver tid gjeldende lover og regler, herunder regler som følger av standardene for God regnskapsføringsskikk, jf. |
Applicable Standard terms of delivery for accounting services stipulated by Regnskap Norge. Among other things, the standard terms of delivery regulate matters concerning:
The parties may deviate from provisions in Standard terms of delivery for accounting services by specific regulation through the Accounting Services Agreement. The Accounting Firm is obliged in all instances to carry out the accounting services in accordance with the prevailing statutes and regulations, including rules that follow from the standards for good accountancy practice, cf. |