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A quest to solve the mysteries of cancer with AI and synthetic data.

SAS Hackathon 2021

A quest to solve the mysteries of cancer with AI and synthetic data.

Amesto NextBridge participates in this year's international competition - SAS Hackathon. The project, in cooperation with The Cancer Registry of Norway, creates synthetic research data - based on original data, but without revealing sensitive information. The problem is re-identification of biological markers, which can be used to identify individual patients, so we can’t just remove names and addresses of patients and think that that’s all it takes. 

To solve the issue, we’re applying AI and Generative Adversarial Networks to facilitate a collaboration between researchers and aiding them in their quest to solve the mysteries of cancer. In our project we have managed to generate synthetic data with high quality. This groundbreaking work can lead to a revolution within cancer research. If more researchers across industry disciplines have access to vital data, we can achieve cancer fighting results faster than ever.


Learn more about the project.

In 2020, almost 20 million new cancer cases and almost 10 million cancer deaths were identified. To understand and combat this terrible disease, an enormous amount of research is needed, but in order to carry out research, we need access to sensitive data, which research institutions cannot share for privacy reasons.

The problem with original data is the re-identification of biological markers that can be used to identify individual patients. Therefore, it is not enough to just remove the names and addresses of patients. To solve this problem, we use AI and Generative Adversarial Networks to facilitate collaboration between researchers and help them in their quest to solve the cancer mystery. 

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