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Meet our intrapreneurs.

At Amesto, we have many intrapreneurs who choose to apply their entrepreneurial genes in an already established organisation, rather than trying to establish their own business. We believe in the combination of real intrapreneurship and growth strategy.

Amesto is known to be the first to introduce innovative technology like Semine, an advanced accounting robot and Aprila Bank, which today reaches 130,000 SME customers with financing solutions. Get to know our intrapreneurs better!


Amesto and some entrepreneurs started a fully digitized bank for SMB customers in 2017. Per Christian Goller was tired of the poor treatment small and medium sized businesses got asking for credit in the Norwegian traditional banking system. Normally it takes two weeks to create a business account, three weeks to process an application for business credit, and on top of that the bank requires a mortgage in your private residence for even the smallest amount of corporate loans. Why should it be like this? Why do you get efficient banking services as a private person, but not as a business?

The first product to be launched in January 2018 was "invoice sales" in Partner Business Software Systems. This means that you as a company can get funding inside your accounting system. The era where you as a small company have to visit the bank and beg for credit has come to an end. Read more about Aprila's products and services at their homepage.


In 2016 Amesto and NextBridge join forces to establish a new company within the high-end segment of Business Intelligence – Big Data. Its vision is to position itself as the professional reference for the industry. NextBridge is already firmly established in the classic Business Intelligence market. Our vision is to position ourselves as the professional reference for the industry. Amesto also provides Business Intelligence solutions, but focuses mainly on medium-sized businesses.

The new company will be a joint spearhead for also providing these services in the heaviest and most advanced projects in the market. The concepts of NextBridge Analytic include Gamification based on Big Data for the energy industry, tailor-made solutions for SmartCity and Condition Based Monitoring in areas such as transport and infrastructure.

Amesto Global

Why limit Amesto to deliver only to the Nordic market? Amesto should go global! Armin Kirchner, having built out various offices throughout Europe & supporting internationally based companies, teamed up with Oonagh Hayes, who has been working in Corporate Services for nearly three decades, to establish a boutique firm and bring Partner-level Accessibility to scaling companies. Backed by Amesto on sales, marketing, network and finance, Amesto Global was established in 2018.


Today Amesto Global is present in more than 40 countries with a portfolio consisting of major international clients. Amesto Global offers existing products and services to the global market and helps international companies establish their businesses outside of the Nordic countries.



In 2013 an Irish developer and an Australian marketer are surprised at how businesses waste valuable time every week manually re-entering data or importing data due to a lack of integration between various systems. ConnectMyApps is born. On the side of their day jobs and at the expense of sleep, Luke Buckley and Nathan Bray develop a cloud platform that enables simpler software integration.

To ensure faster expansion and better framework conditions for developing the solution, the entrepreneurs enter Amesto in 2014 as intrapreneurs. Today ConnectMyApps is an independent operator with both Norwegian and international clients, such as Sister Jane.

Amesto People & Culture

The payroll department in Amesto AccountHouse has seen an increasing demand for strategic HR Services. In August 2020 Yvonne Fosser join the team and Amesto People & Culture saw the light of day. Yvonne has 20 years' experience as HR director from DHL, Felleskjøpet, HP and Innovation Norway. She brings with her solid professional expertise, a large network and, not least, a lot of energy. At Amesto, we believe it is good business to think about the triple bottom line - people, planet and profit. Yvonne has a strong focus on ethics and sustainability and contributes to strengthening our social values.


Through Amesto People & Culture, we can now make strategic HR expertise available to everyone. Our new intrapreneur venture makes it possible to help the very smallest who just need advice, to large groups and organizations that need specialist expertise and extra experience. Services offered today include help in change processes, conflict management, leadership development, cultural processes and HR for hire. Get to know Amesto People & Culture and their services better on the website.



In 2008 three senior Amesto AccountHouse economists have just come up with a bright idea. There are no pure payroll clients in Amesto, only in combination with accounting. How about cultivating a separate payroll segment? Today Amesto is a leading provider of payroll services in the Nordic countries, and Global Payroll and Nordic Payroll have a strong standing in the market.

This year purely payroll related services make up 25 % of the turnover in Amesto AccountHouse in the Nordic countries.

The current manager, Åse Moss Hansen, boasts several high-profile clients such as McDonald's, Redd Barna, Groupon, UPS and Michelin.


Property Management

It is the year of 2006. Aberdeen, one of the leading property management companies in the industry, is looking for a more extensive accounting expertise in contract management.

Lisbeth Bakken, a vigilant Amesto manager, recognises opportunities, and a new business area is underway.

Today Amesto AccountHouse has its own department for property management with a portfolio consisting of large-scale and professional property operators such as Union Eiendomsforvaltning and DNB Markets. The property team now offers a complete package including financial services, property management and good-quality system solutions such as Fenistra, Amesto Analyze and Visma Business.


In 2010 a small group of people from various Norwegian purchasing communities have a vision of a digital portal for order and procurement processes. In 2011 they sign an agreement with Amesto to build a stand-alone purchasing portal under Amesto Purchasing.

In spring 2013 the “Supplier Portal” was launched, providing an access point solution for all EHF messages. 

The portal enables electronic interaction between public and private purchasers and providers. The functionalities of the solution include sending and receiving item catalogues and orders, processing orders and sending order replies, as well as electronic invoicing. Linking providers and clients in a fully digital process ensures better control and better quality – smart solutions for purchasing and electronic invoicing.